First Bible

Take a moment and try to recall your first Bible. Maybe you’re a little like me and clearly remember receiving it. I was a high school sophomore, and the classmate that led me to Christ gave me an extra one they had in their home. At 14, I knew little about studying God’s Word, but I knew how important this book was to followers of my new-found faith. Maybe your story is little more like my daughter’s who first heard God’s Word read to her from her Picture Bible; she has had access to God’s Word in various translations ever since.

In a period of less than 3 weeks, Pastor Terry and I had given out 40 Bibles to children who have never had their own Bible. The refugee children we serve are hungry to learn about God’s Word and ask me regularly, “Miss, when can we have Bible study again?” One of the 12-year old refugees even asked her mother if she could invite some girls to their sparse apartment so that I could come and teach them more about Jesus. How exciting it was to go to her home last week with twelve of her friends to worship and study about the New Life found in Christ. I cannot thank you enough for your prayers.
